By Paul Spark --- "Sparky"

SamRip consists of only one file - SAMRIP.EXE.

You can run SamRip by clicking on the SamRip icon found on your QuickLaunch Menu

Basic Usage

After starting SamRip, the first thing you will want to do is tell SamRip which modules you wish to rip samples from. In the "Source" group, click on the "Directory.." button.

This will bring up a dialog box which you can use to tell SamRip which drive and directory the modules you wish to rip are within. Select the required drive and directory and then press "Okay".

SamRip will now display a list of files which are located in your chosen source directory. Select each of the module files for which you would like to rip.

Now press the "Directory.." button within the "Destination" group and
choose the drive and directory for where you would like your ripped sample files to appear.

At this stage, if you press the "SamRip!" button, SamRip will rip all of the samples from each of the selected modules into your chosen destination directory. The samples will be written out with the same name as the chosen module, but with a numeric prefix.

Simply clicking on them will not work of course as they are samples, not med mods and you will need to load them into Med via the sample editor.


The samples are written out as 8-bit raw data files. WAV file support has not been implemented. At this time, some later sample formats will not be recognised and at this time I am not able to spend any time on correcting this. If you are told the file is unrecognised, simply load it into MED and re-save it with NO compression.

Advanced Usage

The first problem with the above method is that on selecting several module files, you will end up with lots of samples being saved into the one directory.
This can be desirable, but a pain for tidy folk. Before pressing the "SamRip!" button, you can check the "Dir Per Mod" checkbox to have SamRip create a new directory to place the samples for each of the selected modules. Surprise, surprise, the name of the created directory will be the same as that of the module being ripped.

Another useful feature has been provided which will aid in the selection of lots of modules. Within the "Pattern Matching" group are two buttons - "Select" and "Deselect".
Using the "Select" button as an example; this button will select modules in the module listbox that are matched by the pattern given in the pattern matching text field.

By default, this is "*.*" which will select all files.
However, you can use various patterns such as "a*.med" to match all MED files beginning with "a".. or "*.mod" to match other rival prog mod files.
The pattern matching is case insensitive by default, but if you want to be picky between files beginning with "A" or "a", then check the "Match Case" checkbox. The "Deselect" button works in a similar way.


SamRip is not intended to be a bullet-proof program (boo! boo!).

I wrote this as an early Win 95 AmigaDOS command line utility which did it's job as far as I was concerned.
I wanted a bundle of samples to use in my MED Soundstudio tunes but couldn't be bothered to load every tune with good samples and save them separately.
I then wrote SamRip which did that job and nothing else.

After selling my Amiga, I decided to write this PC version.
I managed to get SamRip ripping samples from MED tunes and pretty much abandoned the program at that stage.

I will confess that I began working on the ripping of samples from other format modules but couldn't be bothered to finish this off as I prefer MED anyhow.
Rather than keep putting it off, I've decided to allow the use of this program for MED users as it is at present.

I'm sure it will save a lot of time for many MED users.
