Description: Hope Ben doesn't mind me uploading this. Anyway, this is the Maketex Program included with WorldCraft which is very useful to those not using WorldCraft as well. The program works by extracting the textures from all the .bsp files included in the .pak files under the id1 directory into a clean .wad file. This saves the download of all the Texture Wads that don't even contain all the textures in Quake! This is not just for getting the original Quake Textures, but those in the CTF, Hipnotic, and Rogue .paks as well! Use: First run Maketex on the Quake Directory and create a .wad file containing all of Quake's Original Textures named Quaketex.wad. Then move the original id .pak files into a temporary directory and move the .pak files from CTF, Hipnotic, Rogue, etc. into the id1 directory, don't overwrite any files so use one game at a time. Also change the names of the texture wads being created to different names, like Hipnotic, Rogue, etc. After every wad is created move all the .pak files back where they belong and run Subwad, also in the same place where you downloaded this, in the same directory as your new wads and run it with a command line like this: Subwad Hipnotic.wad Quaketex.wad New.wad Hipnotic.wad contains all the textures from their .pak and some from id. The Quaketex.wad contains all of id's original Quake Textures. When Subwad is used like this, it subtracts all the textures that would be found in the Quaketex.wad from the Hipnotic.wad and saves it as New.wad. Then you can delete the Hipnotic.wad and rename the New.wad to Hipnotic.wad. This works the same for the other games as well, Rogue and CTF. Hope this makes sense!!! Jonathan "W_Wallace" Daughtrey