sensound v1.0 a sound replacement pak for Quake by jesse "SEN" thomas 2.10.99 This pak replaces what are, in my opinion, some of Quake's more poor sound effects. Specifically, it makes the following modifications: -------BUTTONS------- switch21.wav - This was such a wimpy button it is mighty and convictive. -------ITEMS------- armor1.wav - No more nonsensical "shunk-shunk." Now it actually sounds like you're putting on a protective vest (complete with zipper sound). suit.wav - Put on the biosuit and hear your oxygen tank kick in. Darth Vader comes to mind. suit2.wav - After a little warning beep, you will hear the suit decompress with a long hiss. r_item1.wav - This sound is easier to hear than its predecessor. And it's cooler. -------PLAYER------- axhit1.wav - I replaced the old sound with a distinctly Japanese-sounding slice. gib.wav - This is way more sloppy (and satisfying) than it used to be. Amazing what a pitch shifter and a mouthful of crackers can do. drown1.wav - Note that, originally, the "drowning" sounds in Quake didn't sound like they were being emitted by someone underwater. Now they do. drown2.wav - Another better "glub." land.wav - No more "oomph." Now when you land, you hear your feet hit the floor. land2.wav - Feet hitting the floor with slight vocalization. plyrjmp8.wav - I disliked the jumping sound from the beginning. It was too testosterone-injected. So I substituted my own voice for that of the main character, creating a kinder, gentler jump. udeath.wav - What a mess! -------SOLDIER------- idle.wav - This replaces the throat-clearing sound made by the soldiers with an evil growl. (I'm proud of this one, because I used my own voice to make it and it turned out well.) -------PLATS------- plat1.wav - The original sound here was a very clichˇd, overused stock sound effect. It's been used in Doom, for crying out loud. So I made a new one. It's not necessarilly better, but at least it's not that tired old hydrolic lift noise. -------ZOMBIE------- z_gib.wav - Again, much more satisfying. It's the same sound as udeath.wav and gib.wav. You will find yourself searching level after level for zombies just to hear this sound one more time. -------FISH------- idle.wav - A more ichthine sound for a more ichthine enemy. -------BLOB------- land1.wav - I didn't get the impression of a disgusting, slimy, tar-like mass when I heard id's blob sound effects. In my version, they go "ker-splorch!" hit1.wav - And another healthy "ker-splorch" for this monster's extra-cordial attack. Drop the sensound folder onto the Quake icon and enjoy these aural improvements! SEN