NailMines v2.0 by Jony A Quake v1.08 Addon AUTHOR: You can contact me at with comments, your own PAK or QuakeC programming questions and solutions. WHAT IS IT: NailMines v2.0 is the same as NailMines except these mines do not behave the same as grenades, these mines stick to walls and doors. NailMines is an addon for Quake allowing the use of mines within the game. These mines are set off by the proximity of monsters or players. When set off these mines fire a few rounds of nails in all directions. INSTALLATION: Make a directory within your Quake directory named 'nMines'. Copy the Progs.dat file into this directory. Run Quake with the command line: Quake -game nmines or use Quake Launcher. EXAMPLE: Your Quake Directory: C:\Games\Quake Create Directory: C:\Games\Quake\nMines Copy Progs.dat: C:\Games\Quake\nMines\Progs.dat Run: C:\Games\Quake\Quake.exe -game nmines USE: To select the mines press 6, to select the grenade launcher. Then continue to press 6 to cycle. You can only use mines once you have the grenade launcher and rockets available. One Mine uses on rocket. The NailMines can also be bound to a particular key. To bind to a key bring the console down and type: BIND "IMPULSE 101" KNOWN BUGS: If you have any other bugs or suggestions, please send them to