Dennis Noordsij, the originator of multiskin is on vacation for two weeks, otherwise I would let him take care of this. I figured out how to get corpses to keep the skin that the player had when he died. So, I figured I would send this to you, and you can put it up on stomped if someone else has not already fixed the problem. I don't know about anyone else, but my friends and I couldn't wait for the corpses to actually match the skins of our players. Attached is Since I didnt originate it, I dont really have the authority to call it Multiskin 1.2. Regardless, I have included the modified progs.dat, the qc source, player.mdl with 19 textures, the multiskin 1.1 documentation as multisk.txt and my add on comments as bodyskin.txt. -- David Wiedenmann Godel, Escher, Bach