Real Fall patch This patch effects realistic falling damage on unwitting players. Heh heh. It scales damage geometrically at increments of 10', and allows players to be hurt after falling through water if they hit solid ground beneath (they still have to fall farther than if there wasn't any water however). I plan on making them able to be hurt by simply impacting on the water if they fall from a great enough height eventually. It's pretty funny falling from a great height only to gib when you hit the ground. Your head even bounces around a few times. :) To install this patch, you must do a few things: (1) edit progs.src and put fall.qc on the line ABOVE client.qc (2) edit client.qc and delete the lines from around 1146 thru the line self.jump_flag = 0; and add the line CheckFall(); it should look something like this: if ((self.jump_flag < -300) && (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) && ( > 0)) { CheckFall(); self.jump_flag = 0; } (3) make sure fall.qc is in the same directory as the rest of the qc files and then compile with qccdos and try it out Chris ( Wrath, Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins (Quake Clan) (site updated almost daily) Jesus rules!