Map info: Game: Quake 2 Map name: WdWdm1 Deathmatch? sure. let's rock. Single player? boring # of players: 2 to 4 ========================= Editor BSP .90 Machine P200/40mb qbsp3 25 secs qvis3 11.10 mins qrad3 35.00 mins ========================= Misc info: This is my first REAL Q2 DM map, and it is not playtested. If you think something is wrong with weapon placement or the layout of the map, email me please, because I need all the info on Q2 DM I can get. ========================= Installation: Copy the bsp file to your 'quake2/baseq2/maps' directory and start Quake2 with the '+map wdwdm1' parameter, or type 'map wdwdm1' on the Quake2 console ========================= Legal info: Distribute the map as you please, but include this .txt file. have fun! ========================= WdW email: