May 22nd, 1999 by Void2Yeeha Quake 2 Deathmatch level... Name of File: v2ydm1.bsp Enviroment Name: Lava Valley Game: Deatchmatch Only Players: 6 - 16 Spawnpoints: 4 BSP size: 1.879.996 Bytes ZIP size: 764.801 Bytes BSP Birth: 22 May 1999, 15:29 exactly Build_Start: 13 Apr 1999 Time_Spend: 4 weeks Editor Used: Qoole 2.50 Compilation... Tool: Switches Time: gddqbsp3.exe 61 Sec. gddqvis3.exe -level 4 1553 Sec. (25 min. 53) arghrad3.exe -extra 3669 Sec. (61 min. 09) Designer: Boy Goossens (Void2Yeeha) Builder: Boy Goossens Country: The Netherlands City: Amsterdam Machine: Intel 233 MMX, 128 MB RAM, 512 Cache, TX Chips Email: WWW: Credits: - [VVK]Harvester, [VVK]TCB01 for testing the beta version and their fine critics/thoughts that gave me some extra directions. - {Lord}Stalker for his enthousiasm and compliments when I was in serious doubt about the whole thing after being to long short focussed on it. - Great and valuable article: "Polygon Count Reduction Methods" by David Hyde, Mad Dog, Richard Neff at - Tim Wright for specialising in the Wonderfull Lighting Compile Utility "arghrad.exe", replacing the basic "qrad3.exe". Thanks to him and his tool arghrad, there is sunlight in this level rendered with shadows an all, in all three open areas....really great. - Website: "Rust" for game editing and design at and Website: "Quake Workshop" at for being a handy reference for everything I needed to know about applying functions and entities... - The Wizards at ID Software, Intel CPU bakers, motherboard makers....etc.8-)