Sunday August 16/1998 ================================================================ Title : The School House ][ Filename : iqt_4315.bsp Author : John "Gearbox" Farmer Email Address : URL : Description : This is a map based on a real world building. There are 12 DM starts Thank You's : To those of you that helped with the DM testing ================================================================ **** Map Information **** Single Player : Negative Cooperative : Negative Deathmatch : 100% Play Type : Deathmatch 8-12 players **** Construction **** Base : New level, from scratch, based on a real world building Editor used : Qoole v2.50 Bugs : None I'm aware of... Build Time : 3 months Texture WALs used : Quake 2 WAL's from id Compile machine : P200, 80M RAM QBSP3 Time : 90 secs QVIS3 (-level 4) Time : 2.8 hours QRAD3 (-extra) Time : 1 hour BSP Size: : 3300 Brushes **** Copyright / Permissions **** QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. This map is (c) by John "Gearbox" Farmer, 1998. I made this and you didn't, so don't say you did, cause you didn't. But, what you can do is tell all your friends to download it, but make sure you include this .txt file, or else... Be sure to give me some feedback and stuff, please, I'm begging you, even if you hated this map, let me know what I can improve upon. And if you liked it, and are in a game company, hire me or something. **** Where to get this Level ****