Map Name: Slime Central (dig4.bsp) MAp type: Deatmatch no single player About: This is not my first level but it is one of the better mediumsize DM maps I have done. My clan [DIG] uses this and other maps to pratice on. The map plays well and is suited for 4 to 8 players. Features: - a central room with a rotating bridge - slime pool and water areas - 4 respawn points - 2 outer courtyard areas PC Information: Compiled on 200 MMX Pentium. 64 MB RAM 8MEG Hurc Stingray Created with DeathMatch Maker II The total compile Time for a test level 4 compile was 2 hours 47 minutes Level Goodies: All weapons are present except the BFG Lots of health , ammo and armour There is no Quad Damage,power armour or invulnerable. Contact info: Visit our Lithium server at port 27910 Our Clan website (temporarily)