Clue: Turn on word wrap..... Map name: 2fort5wf 07/06/98 File name: 2fort5wf.bsp Creator: Tumorhead Website: Editor Used: BSP Description: Quake 2 CTF map. Best used with the Weapons Factory mod available at the above website. Why? All spawn points, ammo, health, armor, powerups and stuff are in one of three ammo rooms in each team's base. With normal CTF, you will be respawning in each others ammo rooms. With the Weapons Factory mod you will spawn fully armed in your own fort AND the enemy can not open your ammo room doors. Makes sense to me. Version 2.5 of WF due out 8/1/98 will support Team Ammo Packs and Team Platforms. Overview: Similar in design to Quake 1 Team Fortress 2fort5 with the exception of the long dead end tunnel where the flag was. I put it out in the open. I liked the old TF map and had to create something for Quake 2. Directions: Unzip into Quake2/CTF/maps directory Level Designers: I could use some help producing maps for the Weapons Factory. Go to the map page of the website above and look for the latest instructions and examples of how to make a map for the Weapons Factory. WF is a Team Fortress style mod for Quake 2. I have included the source code (.map file) to encourage an abundance of WF maps. If you can find a way to improve this map let me know. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. If you like the Weapons Factory mod please keep the button for the WF website. Tom the Tumorhead