Skin: dethblow.pcx Artist: Me (Gwot) a.k.a. James Edwards email: web: not yet, Living Doll...not yet... Clan: DeathBlow The skin: This is my first q2 skin, made specifically for my clan. I plan on making a few more clanless skins just for the fun of it, and have a couple q1 skins I've done which I'll throw up on my web when its done. I'll probably have other graphics and game related stuff on it as well, including quake2 and other real-time homebrewed 3d models. If you are interested in having a look just visit my clanpage as it will have my web address linked to it very soon. Feel free to use this skin in q2, just, please don't modify it or use it in any other way without asking first. Enjoy, Gwot 01/02/98