Description: Cops and Robbers skins for Quake 2. Installation: Put them in you Quake2\baseq2\players\male directory. Then kick some major Buddocks. Disclaimer: If you computer happens to blow up shortly after installing this software, it is not my fault. Furthermore, i am not responisble for any damage They may cause. If they offend you, write me a dirty e-mail. If you do write me a dirty e-mail, it better be dirty enough to soil my undys. Otherwise, don't bother. Phun stuff to do with these skins: Rename them as Red.pcx, Red_i.pcx, blue.pcx, and blue_i.pcx and use them on capture the flag for mucho grande big fun. You could also rename them as real quake skins... it will make everyone else out there look like cops and robbers. I don't recommend doing this. Ownership: These are MINE. But you can use 'em. You can even put them on a CD. I would like a copy if you do. In the mean-time, have fun. E-mail: Me: John Laffin