Faith0.1b had a bug in the zip file, here is the new version Quake II Faith Capture the Flag ----------------------------------- Capture the Flag offers an exciting variation on team play. It gives more meaning to base defense along with offensive positioning and organized strikes. The basic premise is this: Attack the enemy base, grab their flag, then take it back to your base. In this variation you must touch your base flag when carrying the enemy flag in order to score - if your flag isn't at your base when you return, you or your team must get it back to gain points and captures. Quick Setup ----------- Run quake2 with the following command line. quake2 +set game faith Then connect to a Faith server. The Story --------- After long amounts of research scientists have discovered a dimension know as the warp. The Stroggs used the warp in conjunction with their black hole generators to be able to travel faster in space. The warp is dangerous, a dimension brooding with hate, anger and malice, the warp is where physical laws are void and imagination takes control. Early in earths history mankind began the worship the entity known as "God" and also his conterpart "Satan", what they didn't know was that although these entities did not exist as such, through the sheer power of their belief the humans actually created them in the Warp. After scientists had discovered the warp humans started experimenting with it and with grim inevitablity they discovered what they had been worshiping for thousands of years was real. Growth of religon was exponential with that the power of the entities in the warp grew as well. Soon the entities became so powerfull that they were able to leave the warp in the form of their avatars, then came the religous wars that were to last centuries and tear the galaxy apart. The Rules --------- Two areas of the map are designated as base encampments. When you connect to the server, you will either be automatically assigned to a team or you will be in an invisible spectator mode where you can select your team. You can change teams later on by using the "team" command and selecting red or blue in the console - for example, "team red" will change to red team. You spawn at your team's base. If you die, you are not spawned at the base, but at one of the deathmatch start spots randomly placed in the level. If you pick up the enemy flag, you must return to base and touch your flag in order to score. Note that if you get back to the base, your flag might not be there if the other team has it! Get the rest of your team to go frag the enemy player and get your flag back! When a player carrying the enemy flag touches his flag he completes a successful capture. He gets a bonus of 15 points, and everyone on his team gets 10 points. If you kill an opposing team player who has your flag he drops it, earning yourself 2 points. If you touch your flag, it will teleport back to your base, giving you 1 point as a recovery bonus. This gives base defenders a reward for guarding their flag. Since everyone starts at their base after level change or joining the game, the team will have to work out who is going to go on offense to try to get the enemy flag, and who will play defense by staying at base and guarding their own flag. Server Configuration -------------------- Quake II Faith is a simple addon to the server. All of the normal server deathmatch options apply, with the following additional options: DF_CTF_FORCEJOIN 131072 DF_ARMOR_PROTECT 262144 DF_CTF_NO_TECH 524288 The DF_CTF_FORCEJOIN option will cause players joining the server to automatically be assigned to a team (no menu or spectator mode is available). DF_ARMOR_PROTECT may be set to cause your attacks to not harm teammates' armor (health protect is always on). DF_CTF_NO_TECH turns off the Tech Powerups. DF_NO_HEALTH 1 DF_NO_ITEMS 2 DF_WEAPONS_STAY 4 DF_NO_FALLING 8 DF_INSTANT_ITEMS 16 DF_SAME_LEVEL 32 DF_SKINTEAMS 64 DF_MODELTEAMS 128 DF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE 256 DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST 512 DF_FORCE_RESPAWN 1024 DF_NO_ARMOR 2048 DF_ALLOW_EXIT 4096 DF_INFINITE_AMMO 8192 DF_QUAD_DROP 16384 DF_FIXED_FOV 32768 DF_CTF_FORCEJOIN 131072 DF_ARMOR_PROTECT 262144 DF_CTF_NO_TECH 524288 For example, say you wish to configure a server with weapons stay, instant items, spawn farthest, force respawn, quad drop, and armor protect, you would use: 4 + 16 + 512 + 1024 + 16384 + 262144 = 280084 Then you would run the server as: quake2 +set game faith +set dmflags 935444 +map faith01 (add a +set dedicated 1 for dedicated servers). A sample server.cfg file is included for server operators that set default modes. Server operators and just run: quake2 +set game faith +exec server.cfg Add a "+set dedicated 1" to the command line for dedicated servers. Quake II Faith CTF Levels ----------------------------- Faith01 :The Bell Tolls Faith02 :Graveyard shift Runic Powerups ------------- There are four runic powerups, spinning rings with symbols inside them - you'll spot them right away. They are: Strength of Mind, this is a satanic rune, increases your attack power. The Sheild of Ptolos, this is a christian rune. It increases your resistance to enemy attacks. Time Warp. this is a satanic rune, and greatly increases your speed. The Auto Doc, this is a christian rune. This rune regenerates your health constantly. The command "drop rune" in the console will cause you to drop the rune you are currently carrying, to pass it to a teammate or to pick up another one. You cannot pick up the rune that you have just dropped. The Grapple ----------- Included in CTF is a new weapon, the Grapple. This tool is not effective as an attack weapon, but is excellent in increasing your mobility. In order to use it, you must bind a key or mouse button to "use grapple". It works like any other weapon--just point and shoot. The difference is, as long as you hold the fire button down, you will be pulled to the point where the grapple connected to. Release the fire button to let go and disengage from the grapple. Notes to Map Makers ------------------- If you want to make maps for this mod by all means do so, the new entities are item_blue_statue item_red_statue item_angel_statue (these are spawned as is, but u can alter the angle to change the way they face) misc_fire misc_torch (just place them in the maps, also a light entity is needed, I didn't make the actual models glow as to allow for more flexibilty in lighting styles) target_gravity (give this a target name, and when triggered it will alter the gravity of the level to a random value, I will add more customisation to this entity later) Bugs ---- -At the moment the haste sound loops infintely until another sound on the same channel is played, to best stop this jump after it starts. -There is no model for the grapple at the moment as i will be chaging the code later, as I envisage the grapple being a lightning bolt coming from the player. -The models are out side of the .pak file due to some dumb errors (shouldn't effect the game) Credits ------- The entire mod is based on the original Q2CTF source code by Zoid Additional coding : Azrael Controllable Turrets : Ridah Maps : Azrael Pics : Azrael Textures : Id software Models : Id software Author : Nigel "Azrael" Sampson Email Address : Home Page : Other maps by author : The Bell Tolls (dm) Grapple Happy Rocky1