This archive contains all the entity files to modify all of id's BSPs to be playable with Defusion. Our apologies for a couple of errors in the previous release of the entity files. Notes: 5 maps do *not* contain Bombs or a goal either because of too much water or because we felt the map was just too small. However, we did include ENT files so that the weapons will appear in case you want to DM on them without the bomb. These 5 maps are: e1m4 e3m5 dm4 dm5 dm6 Instructions: 1). Extract the BSPs from the pak0.pak and pak1.pak files. Use a utility such as xpak or Adquedit 2). Move the extracted BSPs from your quake\id1\maps directory to your quake\defusion\maps directory. 3). Unzip the archive into your quake directory. Make sure you have use the "-d" parameter with pkunzip or have "use directory names" turned ON if you use WinZip or a similar program. 4). Modify the BSPs: a). You can use Adquedit to do this; or b). Use the included batch files (Matthias Buecher pointed out today that we forgot to include batch files this type and kindly sent us 2: one for DOS/Win96/NT and one for Unix) 1). DOS/Win95/NT: makeall.bat 2). Unix: a). a qbsp.exe is included. Nov. 3, 1997