Filename: ag.bsp Mapname: Atomic Garden Maptype: Deathmatch Players: 2-4 Buildtime: about 30 hrs Built with: Worldcraft 1.1a Finished: 970903 Author: NeoRider Mailto: or This is my first quake map. Earlier I have built Duke3D maps but they never looked good because it was very hard shadowing them. The editing was much more advanced than in Quake, (hi-tags,lo-tags, sector-effectors and so on), you who have tried know what I'm talking about. I'm rather pleased with the result of my efforts myself, and I hope you will be too. The level is pretty small, and everything is there except for the pentagram. I thought that would be to good for such a small level. I think the ideal number of players is between 2-4. There will be plenty of fraggin' even if you are only 2 players. There is no need for me to explain what the battlefield looks like. You'll find out yourself very soon. * Have Fun! *