date: 15th of october 1997. ================================================= title: small ghost mice file: mice2.bsp author: ray (tigger-up-late) email address: URL: description: glvised deathmatch with space re-make of mice.bsp for 1 on 1 ================================================ play information single player no cooperative: no Capture the Flag: no deathmatch: yes new sounds: no new graphics: yes - one from hexen2 some unique ones one from a Joel-Peter Witkin photo new music: no how to use: place the *.bsp files in your id1/maps folder (make one if you dont have one) at the console (press ~) type map mice2 ================================================ extra info glvised using wqbsp (v1.65) by Ken Alverson no exit 'small ghost mice' is a remake of ghost mice for 1 on 1 dm play. wanted to make a *organic* level, no real 90' corners in top view, and no *hollowing*, all walls, floors etc. have been made individually full vis time was 5540 sec c_chains 13891252 ================================================ construction base: none editor: WorldCraft (v1.5a) by Ben Morris other progs: wqbsp (v1.65) - Ken Alverson (KenA@TSO.Cin.IX.Net) Newwad1.3 - (originally pcx2wad 0.98 by Daniel Gilliland); Modified by Christopher Wise know bugs: none build time: about 3 weeks complie time: wqbsp 199 sec light -extra 306 sec vis (full) 5540 sec any problems email me any enquires email me any questions email me ================================================ special thanks to the following people hook 6655321 Lag_Hag ================================================ Distribution and legal: Copyright (c) 1997 ray, All rights reserved. Portions copyrighted by id Software, Inc. and Raven. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient, and may NOT be modified in any way. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ===============================================================