Please fill in all info down to "Additional Credits". All information beyond that is optional and may be deleted completely from this file at your discretion. Please DELETE all lines above (and including) this line. ************************************************************************ LMP Title (if any) : Sammich Filename : Sammich.lmp LMP Version : 1.9 Game : Doom2 Pwad(s) : hotdeath.wad Map Level(s) : MAP02-03 Skill : 5 Multiplayer Mode : DeathMatch 2.0 Number of Players : 2 Perspective : Indigo Length : forever -timer : No Author : Tharizdun Email Address : Misc. Author Info : I play alot. I am found on Sanctuary BBS at 513\667-9939 (the area code will change to 937 soon). See me and X-Racer (green) for a sound thrashing. Description : A good arse kicking all around. Additional Credits to : X-Racer for recording with me. ************************************************************************ * Player Information * Green : X-Racer - p100 16 meg ram - Mouse+Keyboard Indigo : Tharizdun - p100 24 meg ram - Mouse+Keyboard * Where to get this LMP * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Sanctuary BBS 513/667-9939 (area code will change to 937) ***Running APCi server and Jaeger Game server (IPX soon). Other: If you really want, I could mail it to you.