LV31-741.TXT LV31-741.ZIP LV31-741.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 31 - Wolfenstein Kills 100% (Items 37%) Secrets 100% and Time 07:41 ----- Description :-) Yah! I got my level back! 100% Kills & Secrets! Cool Start... got 'em to kill each other - Line 'em up and waste 'em - Top up and repeat... :-) I Spent much of the level at 100% (Or More! ;-) health - the low point was 52 before 200, which was a "pass" last time I did any exam. - My BFG 9000 useage could've been better. But I did use all of the available weapons ;-) Ended it on 200% & 109% :-) ready for Grosse... A whole 5 mins better than my previous best and 3 mins better that Ian's :-) Now let's see some B@$#... Beat it :-( ... S. ( It's-MY-site-so-can-I-have-ONE-entry? ;-) S. Widlake