psxhellkeep.Wad info ================================================= Title: Hell Keep (Console Remix) Wad Title: psxhellkeep.wad Files Included: None Port Version: Boom, Prboom, Legacy, Zdoom, Eternity, or MBF. Author(s): Samuel Villarreal, Midway INC. Email: -or- Tools Used: Deepsea 11.6, Photoshop, EPSXE Base: Converted. Bugs: its not 100% accurate, but close enough. :) Other wads by author: DSV.wad, Blackness.wad, War_3.wad, Demon Sancuary 2, DSV 4 Credits: Id software, Midway INC and the Doom community. Site: Http:// ================================================ *play information* ================================================ Level# : map21 Single Player : yes Coop-op : yes deathmatch : yes new gfx : yes new sfx : no new music : nope Build time : 6 hours ================================================ *Note* ================================================ This wad is based on the Jaguar/PSX/Saturn/GBA version of Hell Keep. This really look like a John Romero level too. But I really don't know who was the oringinal author behind this level. This is the most accurate level I have done because many wall lengths were always in multiple of eights. But still, there are some rooms that I think did not copy well. This level really gives the meaning of the name DOOM. =============================================== *Disclamer* =============================================== I am not trying to rip no companys off, nor say that I made this map myself. I did copied it by playing the PSX version while taking in game screenshots of the automap. I do not distribute this file nor any other wads that I create. This wad must require the full version of Doom2 to play. =============================================== *Permissions* =============================================== Since this is really not my level, you may modify it yourself and post it for download, but since I did went through the trouble to convert this map, I would appriciate if you mention my name as the oringinal converter of this map. As for modifying this map, you may only to improve my mistakes, or change textures. ADDING A SENSELESS AMOUNT OF CYBERDEMONS OR ANY OTHER MONSTERS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MAP THEN RELEASING IT OR EVEN SHARING IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! =============================================== Hell Keep (Console Remix) Statistics Things 140 Vertices 392 Linedefs 504 Sidedefs 672 Sectors 102 Segs 715 SSectors 186 Nodes 185 Reject 1301 Blockmap 3378 ============================================== PSX Version(c)1995 Midway PC Version(c)2002 September 28, Samuel Villarreal