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Advanced engine needed: Tested in ZDoom & Doom95. SHOULD run in any limit removing port.
			Vanilla Doom may crash due to VPOs.
Primary purpose       : Single player. Co-Op & Deathmatch incorporated but not tested.
                        No Deathmatch starts in map 6.
Version               : v 1.4

Title                 : Canary Squadron (v1.4)
Filename              : Cansquad.wad
Release date          : Jan 11, 2006
Author                : Chris Bourke
Other Files By Author : Helevator (Helav8.wad) - single player map
                        Canary Squadron (Canary.wad) same as this file but ZDoom only.
Misc. Author Info     :	24 year old Doomer AKA Purist at Doomworld.
Email                 : chris_the_hot_male@hotmail.com

Description           : Definitive version of Canary Squadron to replace all previous versions.
			This version has been tested all the way through in Doom95 to ensure
			it's compatible with all ports.

Additional Credits to : id software and the authors of the applications I used (see below).
			Also, thanks to brother Steve for testing. Credit must also be extended to
			Jean-Yves Delpech aka "Jive" who made some important changes to enable this
			version of Canary Squadron to work on all the major .exe's.

* What is included *
New levels : 		Yes, 6.
Sounds : 		No.
Music: 			No.
Graphics:		Yes - Titlepic and map names.
Dehacked/BEX Patch: 	Yes - Canpatch.deh inlcuded in pwad. Required for map names on automap,
			intermission text, stealth imps and final Cyberdemon boss.
Demos: 			No.
Other:			.bat file to run with ZDoom.
* Play Information *
Game : 			Doom2.
Map : 			Map01-06.
Single Player : 	Yes.
Cooperative 2-4 Player:	Yes, but not tested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: 	Yes - maps 1 - 5 have 4 starts, but not tested.

Difficulty Settings :	Yes - tested most thoroughly on skill 3, but skill 4 should be
			completable by advanced Doom players (I'm of average skill at
			best). I doubt skill 5 is completable, post a demo if you can do it!!

* Construction *
Base : 			New levels from scratch
Build Time : 		I made the first map in one day on 8.7.04 and finished the last
			30.12.05 but worked only intermittedly between these dates.

Application(s) used : 	WADEd (mapping), WADCat (compiling), WhackEd (patch), NWT
			(importing resources), ZDoom (testing) & Paintshop Pro (graphics).

Known Bugs : 		Texture alignment bugs, hopefully nothing serious.
Possible to get stuck:	MAP02: Nukeage hole behind middle switch door, caco/nukage pits in
			blue key room before they raise & by walking upto the switch that
                        lifts you to the small teleport room but leaving before you press it,
                        then going into the blue key area (too convuluted to do by mistake).
			MAP03: By lowering lift/trap with chaingunner(s) on then running up
                        the stairs and getting onto it before it has chance to raise
                        (cheers for spotting this one Steve - you dolt!)
			The end of MAP03 should kill both you and a Romero head - sending you
                        to MAP04 but with no weapons/armour. If you find yourself back at the
                        start of MAP03, as occasionally happens, used IDCLEV04 as it has the
                        same effect.
May Not Run With... : 	Scissors.

Story :			As a convict serving an indefinate sentence, the Prison Service have
                        given the UAC permission to send you and some others on a probe mission
                        beneath the surface of an unamed planet. However, as it's hostile
                        inhabitants are discovered and things start going wrong, communications
                        with the UAC starcraft fail and you are left to rot. Before long your
                        comrades are all shredded but, being as tough as you are, you survive
                        the initial ambush and venture deeper - hoping to find a way out. 

MAP01 - Hidey-Hole    : After searching the rocky caverns for some time you come across what
                        appears to be a man-made out-post. Naturally, it's guarded by hellish

MAP02-Subjugated Mines: Breaking through the guardpost leads to a working mine system, only 
                        with all human workers replaced by a new evil presence. You notice the
                        UAC logo on walls - if the UAC had been down here before why was a
                        probe squad required? Something	terrible must have happened!

MAP03 - Cooling Vats  : The UAC had been mining a sort of unstable green nukeage. Here you find a storage
			system for thousands of gallons of it.

MAP04 - Quarrantine   : After stepping onto a teleporter you're not sure what happened. 
                        When you wake all your weapons and ammo are gone...

MAP05- UAC Hidden Labs: Even the secretive UAC's hidden labs have been overcome by this evil
                        invasion. Turns out the myserious green nukeage is a powerful fuel,
                        many times more efficient than ever known before. Problem was trying
                        to get the fuel back to Earth - it's tendancy to blow under the
                        slightest pressure being the chief stumbling block. Teleportation
                        seemed to provide an answer but creating a gate powerful enough to
                        transport a meaningful amount of fuel is what apparentley allowed the
                        demons access from another dimension

MAP6-Rendezvous (Finale): You gather together a dossier of information on the UAC's illegal
                        experimentations and transmit an S.O.S. Sadly the transmitter was only
                        one-way so you leave a rendevous point and set off towards it with
                        haste, hoping your message has been received - and that nothing
			too troubling stands in your way...

* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse as long as I'm given credit.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact. This file may not be used for any commercial purposes without the
author's agreement.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Alterations made by Jive for DLW on jan. 9, 2006:

- The deh file is included within the pwad, so you don't have to worry anymore about it.
- Pretty all the maps had residual zero length linedefs and unused linedefs.
This kind of thing may hang a port. So, I cleaned the maps. 
- Map02: Changed action linedef 350 & 313 from nothing to "Floor lower to lowest floor".
Otherwise, the player can be trapped in sectors 44 & 51 (the fact to press the 3 triggers
at the beginning is not obvious. You can press only one, and 2 walls will remain closed).
- Map04: doors (sectors 330 & 334) opened when shooting them... What about a lack of ammos?
You're trapped, and if you saved your game just at that moment, you lose the entire game!!!
So, I have added some hidden way to open them.
- Map05: I had to tag the door (sector 88) in order to be able to open it...
- Map06: Added missing textures linedef 0

- Edition / Rectification / Missing textures research and addition with :
       "XODE Multimedia Doom Builder" ("The cornerstone of every map")
       by Pascal "Gherkin" vd Heiden, Version 1.67.

- PWAD examination with "Wintex" ver 5.0 (A WAD Editor Copyright (c) 1995-2002) 
       Olivier Montanuy  montanuy@inf.enst.fr
       Javier Almenara   aojavierfdo@hotmail.com
              WEB Pages: http://doortohell.tripod.com

- Nodes, Blockmap and Reject Table rebuilt with :
       "Zennode.exe" (Ver 1.2.1, from Marc Rousseau)

- Graphic's creation or modification
       Paint Shop Pro 7 (WinShare Killer Apps)

- ".dfl" file to use with KDX, the King Elvis Launcher:
        The King Doom Experience - Your Doom Frontend Experience.
        This toolset allows you to get the best out of your Doom installation.
        This is the best software available of this kind
        Available at http://kingdoom.tk/

#  Author   : Jean-Yves Delpech aka "Jive" aka "The Freeman", 52      #
#  Email    : dlw@newdoom.com                                         #
#  Web site : "Doom Legacy Wads" aka DLW                              #
#             http://newdoom.com/hosted/dlw/                          #
                    Where to get Doom Legacy :
#  Web site: http://legacy.newdoom.com/                               #
#  e-mail  : doomlegacy@newdoom.com                                   #
# Special thanks to Steven McGranahan, Robert Bäuml and Bell Kin for  #
#  their large contribution and to others Legacy Team members.        #