File Name: PEEK.WAD Desc: Doom Wad for Single/Multi/Deathmatch Level: e1m1 (sorry) Tools used: DEU 5.21, BSP(ver.??) Creator: Me. ( It's always been my theory that if you don't have at least one monster every ten square feet (relatively speaking), then there's not enough carnage! I stretched the limits of size (as far as DEU would let me) to come up with this highly acclaimed (by a couple of my friends) doom level. No big story behind this one; just find the right keys, get into the main structure, and kill EVERYTHING!!!! all weapons available; and YES the cyberdemon is on the level (would it be worth it if he weren't?) I hope you like it. To use this level, type >DOOM -file PEEK.WAD at dos prompt. You may use this level however you wish. I don't care if you steal my ideas; I've got an infinite number more.