Here it is ... SHOOTING SHADOWS III (shadows3.wad) A professional DEATHMATCH level for professional DEATHMATCH players. _______________________________ made by I.S.& S.I. Sergey Ishchenko and Ivan Samarin. E-mail: Technical University of Vienna _______________________________ Short description: It's E1M1 It's small It has all weapons It has no monsters It HAS a "level-end" It has 2 teleporters It has many DEATHMATCH start positions (more than 15) IT IS GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Distribution: This WAD-file can be free distributed. You can copy it, play it, give it to your friends, include it into your Shareware CD or HD, BUT ONLY IF... 1) This file is included. 2) The first 40 lines of this file are not changed. 3) The SHADOWS2.WAD is not changed. Have a fun ...... Serg Ishchenko 13 Mai 1994 PS Any comments are welcome PS2 We are still working with new DEATHMATCH WADs.