These textures were converted by Derek Mac Donald aka Afterglow. I can be contacted at and you can get more textures for Doom2 at my site =============================================================== Title : Celtic Shrine Texture Set for Doom2 Filename : - celticsh.wad, celticsh.txt Date Released : September 2nd, 1999 Author : Crista Forest, aka "CD Warrior" Email Address :, Web Pages : Description : 44 textures converted to Doom 2. The set was originally designed for use in an Unreal level. The level was based on the theme of a Celtic shrine which had been burned and ransacked. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM II Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : N/A Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A Difficulty Settings : N/A New Sounds : N/A New Graphics : Yes New Music : N/A Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : All new textures from scratch Editor(s) used : Wintex 4.3, Paint Shop Pro 5.01 Known Bugs : Maybe a few bad pixels, but nothing major * Copyright / Permissions * All textures have been made from scratch and you may use these enjoyment only. You may NOT use any of this WAD file for commercial purposes without my written permission. When distributing these textures please distribute them together in their original form and with this text file. Thank you. * Where to get this WAD *