Speed Beyond Belief
Movie version
(0) Index
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Speed Beyond Belief?
(1.2) Installation instructions
(1.3) Credits
(2) More details about the movie
(2.1) How the run was recorded
(2.2) How the run was turned into a movie
(3) Statistics
(4) Contact info
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Speed Beyond Belief?
Speed Beyond Belief is a movie by the QdQ team of a speedrun of Matthias
Worch's excellent and popular Quake episode, Beyond Belief, as quickly as
possible, on Nightmare skill. Beyond Belief is available from:
There is also a version of this demo seen from the player's point of view.
It's available from our page at .
(1.2) Installation instructions
Unzip speedbb.zip into your Beyond Belief directory under Quake and start
Quake with Beyond Belief as you normally would (quake -game bbelief or
whatever is appropriate for the directory you installed Beyond Belief in).
The movie will then start playing.
If you ever just want to play Beyond Belief rather than watching the movie
(how dare you? :) then you can enter "map bbstart" in the console to play the
episode just as you normally would.
To play only one demo, type in the console: playdemo bbeliefX when X - the
level number (e.g. playdemo bbelief2). To play the whole demo, type:
playdemo bbstart.
Previously, we've found that some versions of Quake exhibited unusual
playback problems when playing multilevel demos such as this one. We
believe we have now fixed all such problems, but cannot test this demo
on every existent version of Quake. If you *do* get a crash, you can
restart Quake from the level where it crashed with
quake -game bbelief +playdemo and this should continue as you
(1.3) Credits
The people who created Speed Beyond Belief are:
Yonatan Donner
running, filming and editing
Anthony Bailey
programming and editing
Stefan Schwoon
The utilities we used included:
LMPC by Uwe Girlich (http://www.physik.uni-leipzig.de/~girlich/games/) for
decompiling & recompiling demos so we could use the convenient LS format.
Also Uwe's DEM specs were very useful for us in creating our own tools.
Some in-house utilities; DemTool to process the demos,
DemoRelise and QdQstats to make demos that fit into a continuous run.
(2) More details about the movie
(2.1) How the run was recorded
Each demo was recorded separately, on skill 3 (Nightmare), of course without
any cheating. A QuakeC patch based on the Beyond Belief QuakeC code was used
to start with the correct stats for each level. The reason to record Beyond
Belief as one big run because Beyond Belief was made to be played as an episode,
and not as separate levels.
(2.3) How the run was made into a movie
The utility to refilm demos from a camera perspective is ReMaic
. Some of the models from the DeathMatch
Extension mod were used and patch in with a utility
written by Stefan Schwoon, to show which weapon the player is holding.
The more conventional original demos without any special production
can also be watched as sbb_0425, available for download from the QdQ page
at .
(3) Statistics
Level Map Time
Mission Control BBelief1 0:19
The Cleanse BBelief2 0:23
Another fine Mess... BBelief3 1:14
Hell's Sewers BBelief4 0:22
The Lava Grounds BBelief5 0:21
Seal of Secrecy BBelief6 1:37
The Unholy Alliance BBelief7 0:09
Speed Beyond Belief 4:25
All demos were recorded and filmed by Yonatan.
(5) Contact info
For QdQ news and future projects (at the time of writing, the next
should be a speed-run of Quake2), check our page at
or visit the QdQ members' homepages,
listed in the "credits" section.
For questions and comments (even if you just want to say you liked the
demo), email or if you want to write to one member
specifically, our emails are also listed in the "credits" section.
Enjoy Speed Beyond Belief!
19th December 1997.