April 16th, 2000

A view of the outside.

The "Frag Pipe".

Another view of the outside.
Name: Monkville
Level Type: Single Player
Author: Badmonk
Theme: Industry/Trade
Download: monkville.zip
Ups: Great architecture, good item placement
Readme: Readme.txt
Downs: Final boss too hard
Recommended Players: 1
Map Size: Small
Review Date: 6/04/00
Score: 7/10
Reviewer: Weaseal
This map is very well done, because the architecture was very Xatrixish. As anyone knows, Xatrix has some of the best mappers out there, and this map was right up there with them. This little pack was great, because it offered everything that you would find in a normal level, just that this was a very short play.
I was very pleased to run across a working Pawn-O-Matic, because those were one of the most interesting parts of the Kingpin singleplayer. The small things, like smashed pavement, etc. was all very well done. While many of the "original" Kingpin elements were used, they were certainly not overused, and they were all used appropriately.
When you're playing, be sure to check around, because this map uses a lot of well-placed items for you to advance from stage to stage. Be sure to note that there is none of that annoying "push the button here, find the door a million miles away" business that Xatrix is known for avoiding.
I really can't say much bad about this map without giving away the end, just that it gets too hard... You'll want to bring your "immortal" command with you.
This was a very well-done short, with many more ups than downs.
The Verdict
Great Singleplayer action, right up to the end where it gets much, much too hard.
Score: 7/10
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