Get ready. Get set. Get high. SkyBlazer is here. SkyBlazer 0.5 """"""""""""" The first bot-only deathmatch sport has arrived. SkyBlazer is a team game for single players in which you attempt to carry a ball into a goal while incredibly smart bot do the same. The Way to Begin """""""""""""""" 1) install pak files into a c:\quake\sky directory 2) run with command line c:\quake\quake.exe -game sky -listen 16 4) pull down console and load a simple deathmatch map 5) press m for menu and o for bot orders 6) hold the jump button to accelerate and fly 7) place the goal in a flat, low area 8) carry the blue ball into goal 9) experiment with skill levels and other bot-simple maps The Recommended Maps """""""""""""""""""" While these bots are smart enough to score goals on any deathmatch map, they are still bots. In other words, if the map is simple, wide, and well-laid, they do much better. You will not fully experience this game until you try one of these levels: Fragtown maps A great selected of levels with a rich city environment. Since these are tall and open maps, they're very recommended Ultraviolence A small map with a great Egyptian feel The Steeler One of the best DM maps around, a great space base Painkiller Another one of the best DM maps around, wonderful game flow Deathmatch Arenas Four maps with different themes including temple, gothic, even Doom style. DMA2 is especially recommended A Call to Arms """""""""""""""" Warning! Sightings of bots on hoverboards have been reported in various areas throughout the Quake community. We are recruiting all able-bodied Quake marines to battle them now. This is full-scale military alert. SkyBlazer 0.5 has been released. This is the first deathmatch team sport developed exclusively for bots. It may overthrow the way we think about single-player gaming. If you choose to accept this mission, you will be issued a hoverboard. You will use this to chase after a ball that rolls through the level. You will carry this ball to the goal. Or you will die in the process. You will fight with a team of bots, whom you can order to perform tasks to assist your strategies. Of course the bots on the enemy team will make their own plans, hover strafe, even duck behind walls to evade you. Warning! Warning! This is not a mod. This is not a bot. This is not a drill. This is a real team deathmatch sport for single players. Gamers are encouraged to exit this document quickly and quietly and hop on the nearest hoverboard. Good luck, soldier. With your help we'll win the war against slow modems yet. The Thanks and Credits """""""""""""""""""""" Unfortunately, I'm not a map or model guy, so I tend to borrow things. So I take no credit for any of the good artwork you may see here. Mainly I've borrowed from Deft, whose readme.txt file I've included in this package. He does great models; you should check out the rest. I've also used Noam Scher's blue console graphic. Noam did a good job of that, makes Quake 1 look a lot fresher. Thanks. And of course, most obviously, I've taken the player hoverboard model from the retail ultraconversion called "Malice" developed by Epochalypse and published by Quantum Access. I hope they don't sue my socks off. I took their model because I didn't have one and I wanted people to see this fun game. Period. By the way, buy Malice. It's excellent. Lots of great weapons, baddies, and vehicles. Check it out at I want to thank everyone on ICQ, guys like Ishkish, Sockman, Securlath, Shambler, Capt. Kill, Mr. Bark Barks, Shadowhawk, and too many more to hold in my pitiful memory. I appreciate everyone's interest and support. The Author """""""""" Darryl Atchison ICQ number 2716002