QUAKEX 1.1 (July 3 1996) WHAT IS QUAKEX? Quakex is a freeware utility to list and extract the files contained in id Software's Quake .PAK archives. The .PAK archives are similar to the old id Software's DOOM & co. .WAD files. There are a lot of useful files inside the .PAK archives, like the funny .WAV sound files, program files, configuration files, ... If you are interested to see them, use QUAKEX to extract them. This program is not based in the official Quake specs. I's based on author's own research (wow! It sounds great!). id Software have not contributed in in any way in the developement of this program, with the possible exception of creating Quake, of course!. USAGE There are actually two implemented functions in the program: list contents of archive and extract files from archive. To produce a help screen, type QUAKEX without parameters. * List contents of archive (-l): The syntax is the following: QUAKEX -l PAKFILE where PAKFILE is the name of .PAK file. Example: QUAKEX -l PAK0.PAK will produce the following output: sound/items/r_item1.wav sound/items/r_item2.wav sound/items/health1.wav sound/misc/medkey.wav sound/misc/runekey.wav sound/items/protect.wav sound/items/protect2.wav sound/items/protect3.wav ... You can use the optional parameter 'v' to produce a more extended output: QUAKEX -lv PAK0.PAK The output is: 6822 0x0000000C sound/items/r_item1.wav 7448 0x00001AB2 sound/items/r_item2.wav 7958 0x000037CA sound/items/health1.wav 10020 0x000056E0 sound/misc/medkey.wav 14578 0x00007E04 sound/misc/runekey.wav 22536 0x0000B6F6 sound/items/protect.wav 34012 0x00010EFE sound/items/protect2.wav 23364 0x000193DA sound/items/protect3.wav ... The first column is the file length in bytes. The second column is the position of file inside the archive in hexadecimal notation, and the third column is the file name. * Extract a file from archive (-x): The syntax is the following: QUAKEX -x<filename> PAKFILE where <filename> is the name of the file you want to extract with or without the directory information. PAKFILE is the name of .PAK file. Example: QUAKEX -xmedkey.wav PAK0.PAK or QUAKEX -xsound/misc/medkey.wav PAK0.PAK will extract the file sound/misc/medkey.wav to medkey.wav in the current directory. HISTORY Version 1.1, July 3 1996 Noticed and changed some not-very-understandable things in the program: - slashes were used to delimite filenames in output, now changed to quotes. - In previous version only the short form of filename could be used. Now it works with both short and long forms. and some cosmetic minor changes in program and manual. Version 1.0, June 28 1996 First release of the program. It can list contents and extract files. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR I'm Toni Martinez-Colom. I'm working in the University of Girona (Catalonia) as computer-clasroom maintainer. I like very much playing Doom (and related programs) in my free time, as well as programming in many languages. This program is freeware. You don't have to pay me anything for it although a postcard will be welcome!. I include the source code in C. You can make all the changes you want. If you do so, please, send me an e-mail message telling where to get a copy of the modified program. My address is: Snail-mail: E-mail: Toni Martinez-Colom toni@xauxa.udg.es Bosch i Gimpera, 19 17190 SALT WWW: CATALONIA http://fc.udg.es/~toni ("SPAIN"?) THINGS TO DO I'm planning to add an option to replace a file in the archive (you will be able to change the sounds...), but I'm waiting for the official Quake program specifications to see if it can be done more easily with something like PWAD files, as in DOOM. If it isn't possible, I'll program the replace option. DISCLAIMER Quake and DOOM are registered trademarks of id Software, inc. The autor will not be responsible of any damage produced in your computer by using QUAKEX. Use it at your own risk.