AI Edit v1.0

Best program to edit AoE's
AI. Another AI utility from Stoyan Ratchev. Use this for advanced editing.

AI Docs & Help

For those who want to edit
AoE's AI. This explains how to extract and edit the needed files for editing AI.

AI File Type List

A complete listing of all the
".ai" file types. Very useful if you are doing any AI editing.

DRS Editor v1.1

Modifying/extracting AoE's
resource files for AI editing. This is a great editing tool from Stoyan Ratchev.

DRS Explorer v1.1

DRS Explorer is a Windows
utility to make it easier to use Stoyan Ratchev's excellent DRSBUILD utility, documented
in the file "drsbuild.txt". DRS Explorer supports everything that DRSBUILD can
do: adding, replacing, deleting, and extracting files from data resource, ".drs"

Personality Builder

The easy way to create
".per" computer personality files. This handy program will offer options to add
and remove traits.

SLP List

Lists the graphic files in
AoE's DRS files. This file is for those who want to use a DRS utility. It helps a lot.

SLP Studio v1.7

This is a Windows program
which works directly with the DRS files distributed with Age of Empires. The new version
allows the user to view, extract, and replace any file found in a DRS file, as well as
change and save SLP files.
